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VMUG Webcast: Resolve VDI Challenges with End-to-End Visibility

Topic: Resolve VDI Challenges with End-to-End Visibility 

In today’s environment, IT teams are asked to “do more with less” and manage the new norm of remote or dispersed workers. In this situation like never before, VDI is on the forefront of meeting the critical needs of your organization. But you may realize that there are multiple aspects that can make your VDI deployment very fragile.  

Do you struggle with the lack of visibility into your VDI environment? Who are my users & what applications are they using? Is their performance at the desired level? Can you figure out the root cause for the slowdown? Which team should be troubleshooting the issue? Can you optimize the infrastructure investment and co-locate servers and applications?

In this webinar we will show you how to gain total end-to-end visibility to monitor, resolve and optimize your VMware Horizon VDI deployment and get expert guidance on:

• How to identify all the VMware Horizon users and the applications that they are running and resolving any outages or slowdowns,
• Why end-to-end visibility for your VMware Horizon deployment is critical to quickly identify challenges to getting the most out of the deployment,
• Identification of the real reason behind your VDI performance challenges, with full visibility across the application, infrastructure and the virtual/physical network,
• How to right-size your VDI deployment to provide the optimized application performance, while making the most efficient use of your infrastructure,
• More importantly how to avoid unplanned VDI downtime by 60% and resolving those pesky problems 70% faster.

Chia-chee Kuan, CEO and Founder, Uila
Aditya Krishnan, VMware vExpert and Uila Enterprise Architect

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