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VDI Troubleshooting: A Deep Dive

April 17, 2018

In a previous article, we talked about the importance of having a full stack view of both the infrastructure as well as all applications that interact with that infrastructure. Due to some of the special and exceptional requirements for large scale virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) deployments, we thought it would be a good idea to focus  on some of the things Uila also delivers for VDI.


One picture can tell a thousand words, as they say. Traceable connectivity from VMware View Connection servers provisioning each of your virtual desktops, and on the backend the domain controller(s), file servers, etc.

Comprehensive Monitoring of All Things! No Really...

With Uila, we will auto-discover all of your virtual desktops, all of the components that make up the underlying VMware installation, and any infrastructure dependencies required for storage and networking. But where this really starts to shine is in our monitoring of all of those components together!

We’re monitoring:

  • ALL of the applications on every single virtual desktop
  • Compute, network, and storage resources
    • Not only your VDI, but across the entire deployment!
    • All of it.
    • No seriously, all of it. Top to bottom, end to end.

Because we’re monitoring and logging all of this, we can do some very deep investigative work whenever a specific user has an issue or calls in to the helpdesk to complain about a degraded experience. With a single click, we get real-time insight into the root cause.

VDI Root Cause

The amount of data you’re able to capture from VDI environments is really quite impressive. For example, with Uila, you can drill to the lowest level for deep analysis of root cause. This provides your team with much more operational intelligence to detect overloaded and overcommitted VDI clusters. Uila can also identify any users having difficulty with Kerberos authentication, and troubleshoot storage issues by identifying IOPS spikes that lead to incredibly high latencies. 

The Full Stack Package

As working constructs continue to shrink, and you move from VMs to containers to microsegmentation at the smallest of levels, you really need an all-in-one solution like Uila for keeping track of everything going in your datacenter, various clouds, and even with your end users.

Interested in trying a live interactive demo right here on our site? Click here!

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